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Application example: Emergency release automatic from Grivory HT2VS-3HH

EMS-GRIVORY presented the new high heat products Grivory HT2VS-HH at K 2013. In the meantime, the first applications with the high-heat-stabilized polyamides are in use – and they are convincing all along the line!

Due to legal requirements, the automotive industry is obliged to reduce the fuel consumption of vehicles. As a result of this development, the demands on plastics in the engine compartment are constantly increasing. The so-called “downsizing” increases the temperature loads in the engine compartment and pushes many plastics to the limits of their performance.

EMS-GRIVORY addressed this problem at an early stage and, in response, developed a new generation of high-performance polyamides with maximum long-term temperature resistance: Grivory HT2VS-HH. The high-heat polyamides are based on Grivory HT2, which has been successful on the market for many years, and are ideally suited for long-term use at extreme continuous temperatures.

Safe and reliable

Grivory HT2VS-HH grades are in use in initial automotive applications. For the emergency release in the automatic transmission of the Audi Q7, for example, the automotive supplier DURA Automotive Systems relies on Grivory HT2VS-3HH. The emergency release is used if, for example, the battery or the vehicle electronics fail, the car key is lost and the gear selector lever is blocked in the “P” position as a result. Since this application is an emergency actuation, it must function safely and reliably even after very long and high temperature loads and other environmental influences in an emergency.

Grivory HT2VS-3HH masters this task with flying colors. Suitable for use up to 270°C, the material has excellent heat aging resistance in the temperature range 180 – 220°C – with no loss of performance over the entire temperature range, which often occurs with heat-stabilized products. With the EMS material, which also offers high surface quality, a significant cost saving could be achieved compared to the previously used PEEK.

(Source: EMS-Grivory)

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