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Vertical injection moulding machine as an extension to the machine park at BARLOG Plastics

Overath, 24.01.2023 BARLOG Plastics GmbH announces the expansion of its machine park in Overath, North Rhine-Westphalia. With immediate effect, a vertical injection moulding machine is available for the production of, for example, plastic-metal composite components. BARLOG Plastics is thus expanding its broad service portfolio from the idea to series production.

BARLOG Plastics now also offers its customers the production of plastic-metal composite parts. The smooth installation and successful commissioning of this new machine pleases the entire team of the company. “An expansion of our capacities as well as the innovative technology of a vertical injection moulding machine, are the motivation for the investment in a modern machine park”, says Frank Barlog, Managing Partner of BARLOG Plastics GmbH. “At the same time, we are pleased to be able to respond to the demand of our customers by offering this service,” he adds.

Vertical injection moulding machine to open up new markets

A vertical injection moulding machine is capable of producing high-quality plastic parts at high speed and overmoulding metal parts, for example. It has a direct vertical clamping system that eliminates the need for a separate clamping unit. BARLOG Plastics has chosen an ALLROUNDER 375 V 500 – 170 sliding table vertical injection moulding machine from ARBURG. This high-performance machine has a clamping force of 500 kN and can produce parts with a shot weight of up to 80 grams. It is suitable for use in a wide range of industries and applications, including the automotive, electronics, medical and consumer goods industries. “Our new vertical injection moulding machine enables us to produce a wide range of plastic parts with a high degree of accuracy and precision. Complicated details, such as plastic-metal composite parts, which were only possible to a limited extent on our previous injection moulding machines, can now be produced without any problems,” says Frank Barlog.

Capacity expansion with a view to the future

The demand for the production of plastic-metal composite parts has increased recently. “We are pleased to be able to offer our customers an even broader service portfolio and thus respond to the market,” says Frank Barlog. The production of plastic-metal composite parts fits perfectly into BARLOG Plastics’ product and service portfolio. Before production begins, customers have the option of requesting a simulation including consideration of the influence of the injection pressure on the inserted metal parts. For dimensional and defect analysis after production, the full-service provider offers non-destructive testing of plastic-metal composites by computer tomography, thus complementing its portfolio from the idea to series production.

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