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New training “Reading and understanding material data sheets” on 12.10.2017

Material data sheets from the raw material manufacturers describe the most important properties of the plastic used. It is therefore important for processors, developers and quality managers to understand and be able to interpret the data they contain. The seminar imparts the necessary knowledge in theory and practice.

The BARLOG Academy offers the seminar “Reading and understanding material data sheets” on 12.10.2017. As always, we at the BARLOG Academy place great emphasis on not only imparting the theoretical content, but also supporting the understanding and a feeling for the subject matter through practical exercises in the test laboratory. The seminar participants learn the basics and also perform a large part of the tests themselves.

Training content:

  1. Fundamentals of thermoplastics
  2. Mechanical test methods
  3. Rheological test methods
  4. Thermal test methods
  5. Other tests

Here you can find the flyer with further information about training contents, costs and other general conditions.

We look forward to receiving your inquiry at or by phone at +49 2206 90851-100.

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