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BARLOG Plastics successfully presents the 26th Engelskirchen Plastics Technology Days

Overath, 27.06.2023 BARLOG Plastics once again offered participants in the plastics industry an outstanding platform for networking. The 26th Engelskirchen Plastics Technology Days took place on 15 and 16 June 2023 at the Lang Academy in Lindlar and featured over 40 exhibitors as well as renowned speakers. In addition to informative lectures, the event also offered the almost 300 guests an accompanying exhibition that presented practical solutions. A special highlight this year were two workshops, which were offered for the first time and enabled the participants to have interactive discussions on current topics in the industry.

Impressive opening of the 26th EKTT

The Engelskirchen Plastics Technology Days opened with an impressive start. Christian Schumacher, product development expert at BARLOG Plastics, introduced the participants to an exciting knowledge quiz with his experiments. With captivating demonstrations that used vacuum, magnetic fields, gravity and draughts, Schumacher caused amazement and enthusiasm. The winners of the quiz were rewarded with prizes, while the overall atmosphere motivated the participants to take an active part. In the opening lecture that followed, Peter Barlog, Managing Director of BARLOG Plastics, presented practical examples and explained the opportunities presented by the megatrends of globalisation, digitalisation and sustainability. Despite the associated economic challenges, Barlog showed how his company benefits from these trends. His conclusion highlighted the importance of change and future-oriented thinking for business success.

Wide range of presentations for the participants

The guests then had the opportunity to choose from a wide range of specialist lectures. On the first day, three sessions were offered in parallel, from which the visitors could choose their preferred topics. The day ended with a joint lecture in the forum, which brought the participants together again. Prof. Dr. Claus Mattheck from the renowned Karlsruhe Institute of Technology inspired the audience with his lecture on the topic of “Better to roll than to glide”. Mattheck took the audience on a fascinating journey into the world of “breathing” pressure cones and “sucking” traction cones. The lecture sensitised the participants to perceive this fascinating phenomenon also outside the professional environment. The first day of the event ended traditionally in the event location, which invited networking in a cosy atmosphere with cocktails and a barbecue buffet and brought the summer evening to a close.

Interactive workshops to find solutions

On the second day of the event, two workshops were integrated into the day’s programme for the first time to enable participants to engage in an active and lively discussion on the sensitive topics of the industry, sustainability / circular economy and the shortage of skilled workers.

The first workshop “Sustainability / Circular Economy” took place under the expert moderation of Dr. Bettina Knothe, project manager at :bergische rohstoffschmiede, and Nicole Lange, responsible for quality, environment and sustainability at BARLOG Plastics. Together with the participants, approaches to solutions for the challenges of the circular value creation of technical plastics were developed and discussed.

In the second workshop, moderated by Tobias Haedecke, Division Manager Engineering at BARLOG Plastics, the important question of how best to counter the shortage of skilled workers was addressed and ideas and strategies were discussed to effectively counter this challenge.

All-round successful event

The participants praised the Engelskirchen Plastics Technology Days as an outstanding platform for networking and knowledge exchange. The expert lectures were found to be extremely informative as well as practical, and the workshops were appreciated for the opportunity of an active discussion and joint further development of solution approaches to the explosive topics of the industry. “We are pleased that we were able to offer our guests the opportunity to make valuable contacts and exchange information on current developments in the plastics industry again this year. We attach great importance to this special and informal type of event, which contributes to a pleasant and productive event experience,” says Peter Barlog, Managing Partner of BARLOG Plastics GmbH.

The 27th Engelskirchen Plastics Technology Days are already planned for 20 and 21 June 2024 and once again promise to be an inspiring platform for the plastics industry.

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