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BARLOG Plastics increases market presence in Southern Europe

FFSE First Full Service Engineering GmbH (FFSE) is now the new distribution partner of the BARLOG Group. BARLOG Group uses the trading and consulting company as an exclusive distribution partner for its products and services in the Southern European markets of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus, thus strengthening its presence in these regions.

Hamburg-based FFSE specializes in innovative products and services in the European plastics industry. In addition to materials such as raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, FFSE also offers equipment for the production, processing and treatment of plastics, as well as individually tailored services. “FFSE was chosen because the approach of the Hamburg-based provider of ‘full service engineering’ fits very well with us and our own strategic orientation,” said Peter Barlog, Managing Director of BARLOG Plastics GmbH. “We are convinced that in FFSE we have found a partner who will distribute our products and services in accordance with our own quality and service standards. We are therefore very much looking forward to future cooperation.”

With the exclusive cooperation in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus, the Overath-based full-service provider for plastics technology is strengthening its presence in the southern European countries. FFSE distributes there the comprehensive product portfolio consisting of KEBAFORM, KEBATER, KEBALLOY, KEBATRON, KEBAFLOW, KEBAPEAK and KEBABLEND. In addition, the services of the BARLOG Group such as CAE services, laboratory work, prototypes and small series are offered. FFSE thus supports the company in its internationalization and strategic positioning for the future.

For the German market FFSE receives the non-exclusive distribution rights for the complete service portfolio of the BARLOG Group in the region East. This includes the federal states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony.

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