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Color measurement

Checking the color of materials and components is a very important test for optically demanding components. Color measurements are carried out at BARLOG Plastics using spectrophotometers.

The measurements are carried out with a d/8° measuring geometry. It is possible to suppress the influence of the surface gloss on the color by means of a gloss trap. The surface plays a decisive role in the color evaluation of a component or test specimen. With the aid of the gloss trap, glossy surfaces can also be compared relatively well with matte surfaces. Various color spaces and light types can be selected for color measurement.

One of the best known and most important color spaces is the CIE-L*a*b* color space. It contains all colors that can be perceived by the human eye. In the designation, L stands for luminance (brightness), a for the red-green color information and b for the yellow-blue color information. The colors to be observed are described by their brightness, the colors from red to green and from yellow to blue. Standardized types of light are usually used for color measurement, such as standard illuminant A (incandescent light), C or D65 (daylight). Due to the different setting parameters color space and illuminant, it is possible to investigate the influence on the color values.

The color measurement can be carried out on injection molded test specimens but also directly on the component. In addition to the measurement technology, BARLOG Plastics also has a light chamber with different types of light and UV light available in order to also be able to assess the visual impression under different light sources.

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