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Impulse³ – The innovation series Kick-off in February 2025!

Overath, January 10, 2025 BARLOG Plastics GmbH is launching a new series of events in 2025 called Impulse³ – The Innovation Series. The aim of this series of events is to focus on forward-looking topics in plastics technology and provide new impetus for the industry. At the kick-off event on February 20, 2025, participants will be given valuable insights into current and innovative plastics solutions. The focus of the first event will be on the topic of metal replacement.

Focus on future topics: metal replacement, functional integration and sustainability

The Impulse³ event series presents innovative topics in the plastics industry at each event. In addition to metal replacement, the focus is also on functional integration and sustainability. The series offers a platform where participants not only learn from experts, but also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other specialists and develop new ideas. These future-oriented topics will be clearly presented at the kick-off event, giving participants a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and technologies. “We are very pleased to be able to offer this new series of events to our customers and thus create real added value for them,” says Peter Barlog, Managing Partner of BARLOG Plastics Gmbh.

First event: Metal replacement – Versatile plastics as drivers of innovation

The first event is dedicated to the topic of metal replacement. A series of presentations and case studies will show how modern plastics can increasingly replace metals. But it’s about more than just replacement – plastics offer completely new possibilities that improve both the efficiency and functionality of products. BARLOG Plastics shows how metal substitutes contribute to cost savings, weight reduction and resource conservation. At the same time, it will demonstrate how this choice of material can improve product performance and increase competitiveness on the market.

Inspiring presentations, practical case studies and lively discussions

In addition to the presentations, participants can expect practice-oriented case studies and interactive discussions. Experts from the industry will share their experiences and illustrate how modern plastics are used successfully in various application areas. These practical insights are a valuable opportunity to learn how innovative approaches can help optimize product performance, costs and development times.

In the lively discussions, participants can contribute their own ideas and benefit from the experience of others. This creates a valuable exchange platform that promotes collaboration and innovation within the industry.

Exclusive number of participants for intensive exchange

In order to enable an intensive and personal exchange, the event is limited to 20 participants. This guarantees a personal atmosphere in which individual discussions and specific questions can be addressed. Participants have the opportunity to speak directly with experts from the industry and contribute their own experiences and ideas. BARLOG Plastics invites all interested parties to expand their knowledge, gain new impetus and make valuable contacts. “Together, we can lay the foundations for future projects that will drive the industry forward,” concludes Peter Barlog.

For binding registration for the Impulse³ event on February 20, 2025 (10 am to approx. 4 pm at BARLOG Plastics GmbH, Am Weidenbach 8-10, 51491 Overath), interested parties are welcome to send an email to Participation is free of charge.

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